Verification Services

Five Star Services Network, Inc., understands that projecting quality and safety to potential customers is more than just important, it's critical for building trust and long-term relationships.
We want customers to know that, when they reach out to a Five Star Network Verified Professional, not only are they calling someone capable of completing quality work but someone who has impeccable character as well.

What is Verification?

Our service professionals and their companies are vetted to become Five Star Network Verified.
You may know of companies such as UL, ETL or ISO. If not, look at the small silver label on any electronic item in your house, you will find one of these companies' logos or something similar. These are certification companies that work with manufacturers to ensure the public's safety when using certain products. These companies examine a manufacturer's processes and procedures to ensure that they meet a consistent quality standard regarding production and in-turn the certification companies allow the manufacturer to use their logos as a seal of approval to promote the quality and safety of products they are making. These certification companies then have an ongoing process of verifying that the manufacturer is continuing to use the original standards set forth.
     We are similar to those companies, however in service industries, the professionals are the product.
Because customers are inviting our Network Verified Professionals into their homes and offices, the most important attribute they can have is character. We verify several attributes that are indicative of the type of person we, and customers, would feel safe having in our homes and around our loved ones.

Verification Marks

All Five Star Services Network verified professionals carry our highly recognizable verification mark. Once verified, you can use our mark, on your marketing material, as a way to project quality and safety to your potential customers. They will know that the individuals entering their homes and offices are of upstanding character.
Any company that applies can become Five Star Service Network Verified, as long as they are able to meet all of the requirements of our six point verification process.

Custom Brands

Once verified, you are eligible to become a Network Member. Being a Five Star Services Network Member is really where we help you compete with the local and national companies in your area. Once you are a member we can provide you with custom brands (see slideshow above) catered to you and your services. We can also provide top-notch promotion of your company with a proven and professional Five Star Services Network website catered to your company as well. You will be provided will 100% of the calls, emails, and texts from customers in your Marketing Area.
Our network provides you the benefits of a franchise but without the unnecessary burdens. Checkout our Benefits page for a complete list of Services and Benefits

Criminal Background Checks

The owners of the companies that Five Star Services Network verifies undergo an extensive criminal background check to ensure that they have not had a violent past and that they have no history of sexual misconduct.

Initial and Random Drug Tests

The owners of the companies that Five Star Services Network verifies undergo an initial drug test and agree to up to five random drug tests per year. 

Star Rating Reviews

Our Network Verified Professionals are required to maintain a certain star rating level with Five Star Services Network and/or other online star rating systems.

Credit Rating

The owners of companies that Five Star Services Network verifies are required to possess an acceptable credit rating with one or more national credit monitoring services, prior to verification.

Liability Insurance

All of Five Star Services Network verified professionals are required to always maintain general liability insurance.

Two Year Minimum Experience

At least one of the owners of the companies that Five Star Services Network verifies is required to have a minimum of two years of experience in the service industry in which they are applying for verification. 

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Five Star Services Network, Inc.


Five Star Services Network, Inc. 2223 Lismore Drive.
Murfreesboro, TN 37130


Phone: 615-631-2157